"Our life is frittered away be detail . . . simplify, simplify."
Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Day Of School!

My little boy started school today! He'll be attending a pre-k class a few days a week with his big sister! Ellie has been so excited to show her little brother around the school! Samuel did so well today! He got on the bus, waved bye bye, and even worked to put his seat belt on on his own. My little guy is growing up. It seems like just yesterday, I was holding him in my arms, and today, he's becoming this independent little 3 year old who wants to buy a Thomas book bag for the "school bus school". My Mom and I followed him to school, and it was just darling! He got off the bus, holding his big sister's hand, and marched forward with a purpose. He was so excited to be there! At one point, he looked over and saw me standing there, and said, "That's my Mommy!" Yes, I'm his Mommy, and I'm learning to let him go little by little. For now, I'm looking forward to having him home with me most days. He'll always be my baby boy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sam and Ellie are so cute getting on the school bus. What a milestone, I hope they enjoy this school year.